We planned a trip. Ok so nothing new you must be saying. We plan hundreds of non-executable trips everyday. But this one, for a change, happened. There were were nearly 5 different reasons why the trip shouldn't have happened. I ll let you know about them and how each of them was overcome.
1. Minimum number of people
Since the trip we planned was a mid-night trek in a mountain, numbers always matter. When the trip was planned there were nearly 15 people who were "interested". When they came to know that the trip is being finalized, as were expected, many of them dropped off. Anyway we managed to get 8 interesting people on board. Yeah interesting because all of them are in sync with each other. We never even bothered to ask those incompatible ones.
2. Mode of Transport
The initial plan was to travel in motor bikes. Many people, especially my friend Queen, were very much thrilled by this idea. Then we found out that the number of people were more than the number of available motor bikes. Needed a change in plan; KP agreed to take his car. So 4 in car and another 3 in motor bikes. Thats when Goa agreed to join the trip and in came the second car. So motor bike plan trashed.
3. Release
We were at the fag end of a release cycle that has given us more trouble than pleasure till now. Everybody wanted it out, but it just refused to go like a newly married bride reluctant to leave her parents house. On the trip day, everybody were praying for no new issues to crop up. The new build definitely seemed fine but still until we started we always thought it ll break and dampen all our plans.
4. Directors!!!
On the way to the trip, KP stopped at a desolated place to ask for directions. The place looked cheesy, with a gang of drunken guys checking us out. The girls were oblivious to all these and got out to take photographs. They had to be forced inside the car. KP asked directions from a few policemen standing there. They told him that the place is closed for tourists for a some time now. KP came back and conveyed us the bad news. We were making alternate plans to visit another hill when KP again came up with a brain wave. Since we had come this far, he suggested, we go to that place and check whether its really closed. We all agreed on that and it ended up being a really good idea. The place was indeed open and we found lots of other people like us already trekking.
5. Tiredness
Its no easy trek. Had to climb continuously for 3 hours. Nearly every one got tired. Pops was getting ragged big time and that made her both physically and mentally tired :-). PG was hauling her through many of the steep climbs. The queen was all chirpy and enthu but her energy reserves were coming down quickly. Goa was dragging behind for sometime. We stopped at one point and opened few Red Bulls. It really boosted people's energy and spirits. Made me remember the Nitro button in "Fast and the Furious"
In the end, it was a trip worth made. It was so mesmerizing to see the clouds settled down below us. Endless wisps of white everywhere like an ocean of milk. It was like those scenes where they show gods in old movies. The sun was reluctant to come out for a long time. It was the first time I am witnessing a sunrise. As soon as the sun came out, the clouds ended their midnight affair with the mountains and rushed away. With that we started our climb down with our hearts badly looking forward to the next trip.