The other day I saw a documentary on the Black Widow spider in Animal Planet. Among black widows the males are very puny compared to the gigantic females. Now let’s name our main characters here: The tiny male is Jack and the big female is Rose.
Now when Jack first sets his eyes on Rose, he goes head over heels (all eight of them!!!). There is no romance involved here, like most of us males he only has sex in mind. He approaches her slowly, like a shy “bride-to-be” approaching her potential groom with the coffee tray. But he is always on the ready to turn back and flee if she doesn’t like him, because in the event that he fails to impress her but he still hopes to fix a date for dinner, he may end up being her dinner that day. So Jack plays the waiting game from a safe distance while Rose makes up her mind. When Jack feels that he is getting positive feedback from Rose he cautiously approaches her. Poor Jack is no artist. He can’t paint naked pictures of Rose (though he has more arms than Leonardo). So he does the next best thing, make love to her. Now comes the tragic part, even when Jack is in his last throes of copulation, Rose starts eating him…Alive. Most of the Black Widow males thus end their lust with the supreme sacrifice and many of my fellow male homosapiens can also relate to this ;-)
So why does Jack get into this misadventure even though he knows that he may die? Because that is the way it is programmed in his genes by nature. The sole aim of Jack’s existence is to reproduce by impregnating Rose with his genes. Other than that, his existence doesn’t seem to have any purpose. But why does Mother Nature go about this business of reproduction in a roundabout way? Why should she create two entities, male and female? Why didn’t she create a single organism that contains both male and female capabilities? It can reproduce whenever it feels like and avoid going through these complex mating rituals. Also since now a single organism can do the work, nature can actually conserve the extra energy. Instead of feeding two mouths she now has to feed only one. Nature has implemented this concept in lower order organisms like bacteria, virus, amoeba and even in plants, but not in higher order organisms. May be nature is testing this theory and bacteria and viruses are the Beta versions. Wonder when she is going to “go live” on us!!!!!
On the lighter side look at some of the good things that can be achieved if Mother Nature does implement this on us humans:
- No eve or adam (???) teasing
- No separate Male and Female seats in buses.
- No separate male-female queues in cinema theatres, banks and temples.
- No separate schools and colleges for males and females.
- No male chauvinists and no feminists.
- You can save lot of paper and ink by eliminating entries like Sex, Father's
Name, Mother's Name (there will only be a single column, Parent's Name) and
Spouse’s Name in almost all application forms.
Ok I can see you ticking of more such “good things”, you are welcome to let me know of that :-)
That was good especially "he goes head over heels (all eight of them!!!)" this part :)
If we have only females (hehe..I'm a feminist.. ;) .. ) life would have been so smooth :D
No scribbler there wouldn't be any life to be smooth, if there are only females. How would life sustain without our contribution :-). By the way I am no male chauvinist :-)
Do you know that thr actually is a species that is both(or neither) male and female. But just imagine if god was to create something of a homo sapien that is both male and female [will it have the strength of man that was required to sustain themselves in the inital phase? will it have the discipline of a woman that helped (and still helps) sustain socitely? or first of all will it build a civilization or just keep reproducing and living in the wild?]
Ok...if you think darwin's way;-), its impossible for homosapiens to evolve that way. There can be N number of reasons, but it is just as good as wondering why dint we have wings[i think of that too often]? simply put, it doesn't fit the evolution curve!
why do u think society wont be created? society was created for protection and sharing the work... so societies would surely have come up even with such beings. Darwins therory says that the fittest survive.. a creature that contains both male and female qualities will surely be fit enough to survive
machu...nee kollallo !!
thankyou Joju :-)
Spouse's name?? why would one get married and decide to live together if there was no sex or kids (made together) involved?
Sanjana what I am trying to say is people wont get married but they may still stick around for security and emotional support.
People should read this.
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